Learnfull Tech Talks: The Blog

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Written by Nigel Chimwaza | Sep 30, 2024 5:33:48 PM


Are you thinking about changing your job to work in technical presales but feel scared you might fail?

This is a common worry.

Many people feel nervous about making this change because they are unsure and doubt their abilities. But with the right attitude and plans, you can make this change and do well in your new job.

Let's talk about how to deal with these fears and get ready for success in technical presales.



Table of Contents

Mindset Shifts for Success

Practical Steps to Build Confidence

Embracing the Journey

Your Next Steps


Understanding the Fear

First, it's important to know that being scared of failing is normal, especially when trying something new. Technical presales mixes tech know-how with sales skills, which can feel overwhelming. But remember, every successful presales person started out just like you.


Mindset Shifts for Success

1. Believe You Can Grow

Don't think your skills are stuck. Believe you can learn and get better. Technical presales is a job where you keep learning and growing.

2. See Mistakes as Lessons

Every time you mess up, it's a chance to learn and get better. When you talk to clients, use each talk to improve how you explain things and understand their needs.

3. Aim for Progress, Not Perfection

Set goals that you can reach. You don't have to know everything right away. Just try to get a little better each day instead of being perfect.


Practical Steps to Build Confidence


1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Break your big goal into smaller, easier steps. For example:

Week 1: Learn about the top 3 products in your field

Month 1: Finish a basic sales training course

Quarter 1: Watch 5 presales demonstrations

2. Make a Learning Plan

Figure out the important skills you need for technical presales and plan how to learn them. This might include:

Technical skills: Basics of cloud computing, software development, data analysis

Soft skills: How to give presentations, listen well, handle objections

3. Connect with Mentors

Talk to people who already work in technical presales. Their advice can be really helpful, and their success stories can make you feel more confident.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

Pretend you're in presales situations. Explain technical ideas to friends or family who don't know much about tech. Record yourself giving practice presentations and watch them to see how you can get better.


Embracing the Journey

Remember, getting good at technical presales is like going on a journey. Every problem you solve makes you stronger and smarter. By working hard and staying positive, you're not just getting a new job – you're growing as a person.


Your Next Steps

Ready to take the leap? Here are two powerful ways to kickstart your journey:

1. Sign up for our newsletter: Stay updated with the latest trends, tips, and opportunities in technical presales. Our curated content will keep you informed and inspired throughout your transition.

2. Enroll in our Technical Presales Course: Gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to excel in your new career. Our comprehensive course is designed by industry experts to fast-track your success in technical presales.

Don't let fear hold you back from a rewarding career in technical presales. Take the first step today and unlock your potential in this exciting field!

Remember, every expert was once a beginner. Your journey to becoming a successful technical presales professional starts now!


👋🏿 Hi, my name is Nigel Chimwaza and I created Learnfull to help bridge the diversity gap in the tech industry by providing accessible education and career support to individuals seeking to transition into high-paying tech roles.

Ready to take the next step? Check out our course page to contact our career advisors today!